This is a summary of the development on Phase 4.

Estimated duration + buffer: 44,2h

Effective duration : 51h

Integrate Modules

The peripherals were all integrated into the mechanical structure having some adaptions to fit them all into it such as the servomotor angle needed to be changed and also some improvements in the QR Code scanning.

Some problems were found during the integration but we managed to overcome it for this first part of the integration.

Below are some images of the module integration:

Outside view Turnstile:


Inside view Central Module:


Inside view Turnstile:


Software and Firmware testing

For the software part, some of it was already completed so, following the schedule, this phase was mainly more about testing and finishing it up. Furthermore, tests were carried out on each part of the software individually.

Also the tests from the Turnstile Logic and Entry System Controller were delayed on the last phase and have been completed on this phase.

